Wednesday 19 June 2019


Add walls so that you could get shelf's also add poles and a stair case so that you could build a top floor like I showed earlier.

I would advise you guys to get a spear way before it is good at keeping the shark off your raft. If I was to go back that is something that I would do                                                                                

Tuesday 18 June 2019


When you build the second floor I would advise you to build an item storage so that if you die you don't lose all your stuff.

Exit Interview

                                                        Exit Interview

1. Comment about your work ethic in this course and why.
 I have tried to finish my work as best as I can and on time although getting sick and having orthodontic appointments got in the way

 2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
I really enjoyed animating The City because we got to design our own car which was really interesting and fun. I liked animating the Fish Tank as well because we got to add what we wanted to it.

 3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why? 
I struggled with the Raft project because I was away for most of it and when I did show up I got killed by the shark. I also struggled a bit on Minecraft because we couldn't decide what to do at times.


Also stop by om the island there you will have trees and some food resources.

